Myth-to-Measure was a turning point in my career, as this project brought me to the United Kingdom. As a creative director, I represented the creative potential of this company for three years. Due to a lack of staff, I was in charge of the artistic direction of the projects but also their execution. With the creation of storyboards and cartoons, motion design, film concepts, website, web design, and documentary filming among other things, I really was fighting on every front!
After a year of work, taking on other projects on the side, we put up the first version of the company's website in July 2020. I went through seven different drafts before generating the final version.
Creation of the homepage
Online from July 2020 to March 2022

Home page from July 2020 to Marsh 2022

Home page from Marsh 2022

Some design I made for the website.

I also created all the design guideline for the company.